


Beer and Brewing

The art of fermenting malted grains, flavored with hops and other natural ingredients and the alcoholic beverage derived thereof.

500 Questions

Which state has the strongest beer?

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Asked by Wiki User

The state of Oregon is known for producing some of the strongest beers in the United States, with many breweries creating high-alcohol content beers that push the limits of traditional brewing. Oklahoma recently became one of the states with the highest allowed alcohol percentage in beer, at 12%.

What makes beer bubble?

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Asked by Wiki User

Beer bubbles are caused by carbon dioxide gas, which is a byproduct of the fermentation process. When the beer is poured into a glass, the carbon dioxide is released from the liquid, creating bubbles that rise to the surface.

How Big is a Bottle that is 375mL. Can someone posted pictures or anything that give me a good idea of how big 375mL is.?

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Asked by Ved9311

A bottle that holds 375mL of liquid is typically around 7-8 inches in height and can vary in width depending on the bottle shape. To get a better idea of the size, you can look for common items like a can of soda or a standard water bottle, as they are usually around 355mL-500mL in volume.

What is the science of brewing beer called?

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Asked by Hagoleshet

The science of brewing beer is called zythology. It involves studying the chemical and biological processes that occur during the fermentation of ingredients like barley, hops, water, and yeast to produce beer.

How many fluid ounces are in a can of beer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Typically, a standard can of beer contains 12 fluid ounces.

Does the type of glass change the amount in the glass?

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Asked by Wiki User

The type of glass can affect the amount of liquid it holds due to varying shapes, sizes, and thicknesses. For example, a smaller glass may appear fuller than a larger glass even if they contain the same amount of liquid. It's important to consider the geometry and design of the glassware when assessing the perceived amount in the glass.

Does beer or wine contain yeast?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, both beer and wine contain yeast. Yeast plays a crucial role in the fermentation process, converting sugars into alcohol. In beer, yeast is added during the brewing process, while in wine, yeast is often naturally present on the grape skins or added to start fermentation.

How much does an empty beer can weigh?

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Asked by Wiki User

But it's about 12 ounces lighter than a full one. lol. Anywhos, There are 28 empty 12 ounce cans in a pound per the recycling station up the road. There are 16 ounces in a pound. Divide 16 by 28 and you get .5714285 ounces per empty can.

Can you run your neon sign of 120v 50hz 60hz 0.6a 7.5kv 30mA in an Australian 240v power outlet?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, you cannot directly run a neon sign designed for 120V power on a 240V power outlet in Australia. The different voltage and frequency could damage the sign or be a safety hazard. You would need a voltage converter or transformer to safely operate the neon sign on the higher voltage.

How much does a case ih 706 tractor weight?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Case IH 706 tractor weighs approximately 5,530 pounds (2,509 kg) without any accessories or attachments. The weight may vary slightly depending on the specific model and features.

Is a Guinness bottle with a rocket widget recyclable?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, the Guinness bottle with a rocket widget is recyclable. To recycle it, simply separate the components (glass bottle and rocket widget), and place them in the appropriate recycling bins or facilities according to your local recycling guidelines.

If one Siamese drinks alcohol does it affect the other twin?

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Asked by Libbi85

No, if one Siamese twin drinks alcohol, it does not directly affect the other twin. They have separate circulatory systems and organs, so the effects of alcohol consumption would only affect the individual who drank it.

At what temperature does beer freeze?

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Asked by Wiki User

Actually glass is molten at 1575 c (2300 deg f). If you are trying to slump the glass between 1700 and 1800 deg f should do it. It really depends on thickness, color, speed of temp rise and length of time exposed to the to a particular temp

What is the types of fermentation that occurs in yeasts and a few other microorganisms?

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Asked by Wiki User

The types of fermentation that occur in yeasts and some other microorganisms include alcoholic fermentation, where sugars are converted to ethanol and carbon dioxide, and lactic acid fermentation, where sugars are converted to lactic acid. Alcoholic fermentation is commonly used in baking and brewing, while lactic acid fermentation is used in the production of yogurt and sauerkraut.

What is alcoholic fermentation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Alcoholic fermentation is a metabolic process used by yeast and some bacteria to convert sugars into ethanol and carbon dioxide in the absence of oxygen. This process is commonly used in food production to create alcoholic beverages such as beer and wine.

What is attracted to a magnet?

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Asked by Wiki User

Materials that are attracted to a magnet are those that contain iron, nickel, or cobalt. These materials have unpaired electrons that align in the presence of a magnetic field, creating a magnetization that is attracted to the magnet.

How long has alcohol been made?

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Asked by Wiki User

Alcohol production dates back thousands of years, with evidence of fermented beverages found in archaeological sites dating back to around 7000-6600 BCE. The process of fermenting fruits, grains, and other substances to produce alcoholic drinks has been a part of human culture and traditions throughout history.

Why is it important to scale the ingredients before making any bakery product?

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Asked by Wiki User

Scaling the ingredients is important in bakery products to ensure consistency in taste, texture, and quality. It helps maintain the correct balance of ingredients for the recipe, preventing issues like dense or flat baked goods. Proper scaling also helps with accurate portion control and ensures that the final product turns out as intended.

Will you weigh 1 pound more immediately after you drink 16 fluid ounces of beer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you will weigh more immediately after drinking beer because the weight of the beer you consumed adds to your overall weight. However, this increase is only temporary until your body processes and metabolizes the beer.

Is beer a mineral?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, beer is not a mineral. Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic substances with a specific chemical composition, while beer is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grains, water, yeast, and hops.

Will frozen can of coke explode?

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Asked by Wiki User

In a regular freezer, it's about 45 minutes, remembering that if you're freezing a lot of soda, it will take longer. If you put it in a cooler with just ice, it will take closer to 25 minutes. If you freeze soda, it will expand and likely break out the can - if you are looking for chilled soda, 25 minutes in the freezer or 15 in the ice will bring it from room temperature to chilly.

Is Busch Light made with rice?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, all of the Anhueser-Busch products use rice to some degree. Miller products use corn.

Busch Light is brewed with a blend of premium American-grown and imported hops and a combination of malt and corn to provide a pleasant balanced flavor. Busch Light was introduced in 1989, and has many of the same smooth, and easy-drinking taste qualities as Busch, but undergoes a longer brewing process that produces a lighter body and fewer calories.

From the website. They use rice in bud light

How much does a case of beer cans weigh?

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Asked by Wiki User

A case of beer cans used to be 48 cans. How many do you mean? We have cases of 12, 15, 18, and 24 at least in Canada. Also 4, 6, and 8s

How do you make a lime wedge STAY at the bottom of a corona?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can use a cocktail spear or a straw to skewer the lime wedge and then rest it at the bottom of the glass before pouring the Corona. The weight of the lime keeps it in place. Alternatively, you can also tilt the glass slightly when pouring so the lime wedge stays in position.

What are the Applications of Beer's law on multi-component system?

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Asked by Wiki User

Beer's law can be applied to multi-component systems to determine the concentration of individual components in a mixture. By measuring the absorbance at different wavelengths, it is possible to isolate the contribution of each component to the overall absorbance. This is commonly used in chemistry, environmental monitoring, and pharmaceutical industries to analyze complex mixtures.