



Buddhism is a tradition that focuses on personal spiritual development. Buddhists strive for a deep insight into the true nature of life such as Ahinsa, Karma, and Dharma.

500 Questions

How many people living in Louisiana are Buddhist?

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It is difficult to determine the exact number of Buddhists living in Louisiana as religious affiliations can vary and are not always reported consistently in surveys or official data. However, Buddhists make up a relatively small percentage of the state's population compared to more mainstream religions.

What kind of music do buddhist listen to?

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Buddhists listen to a wide variety of music, with preferences varying among individuals and cultures. Some may listen to traditional chants and hymns, while others may listen to contemporary music that promotes peace, compassion, and mindfulness. Ultimately, the type of music a Buddhist listens to is a personal choice that aligns with their spiritual beliefs and values.

How many Buddhists are there in the UK?

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According to the 2001 Census data there are about 152,000 declared Buddhists in the UK. The next UK Census will be in 2011.
Current estimates are from 150,000 to 300,000
About 0.3% of the British population is Buddhist. This is about 150 to 200 thousand people.

Approximately how many Buddhists are there in North America?

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There are around 4-5 million Buddhists in North America.

What number or percentage of people in the world belong to Buddhism?

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Most eastimates indiccate about 6% of the world population (420 to 500 million of 7 billion total population) is Buddhist. The number is difficult to determine as some countries with large populations (e.g. China) do not provide supportable data.

Which state has the most Buddhists?

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California has the most Buddhists in the United States, with a significant Buddhist population due to its diverse population and historical ties to Asian immigration.

How many people believe in Buddha worldwide?

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It is difficult to provide an exact number as beliefs and practices related to Buddha vary among individuals and cultures. However, it is estimated that there are over 500 million Buddhists worldwide, with significant populations in countries like China, Thailand, and Japan.

What percent of the World is Buddhist?

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Approximately 7% of the world's population identifies as Buddhist.

Where is Christianity most influential today?

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Christianity is most influential in countries such as the United States, Brazil, Mexico, the Philippines, and Nigeria, where a significant portion of the population practices the religion and it plays a prominent role in shaping societal norms and values.

Where do most Buddhist followers live?

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Buddhist mainly live in East Asia but to go in details these are the countries listed Below :

  • Mongolia
  • Japan
  • Taiwan
  • Bhutan
  • Myanmar
  • Cambodia
  • Thailand
  • Sri Lanka

The countries listed above are not mainly Buddhist.

They might have other religions like Islam ETC.

What is the most common name for Buddha?

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The most common name for Buddha is Siddhartha Gautama.

What is the name of the Buddhism symbol?

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Buddhism has no single symbol like the Christian "Cross", the Islamic "Crescent and Star" or the Jewish "Mogan David" Instead there are several symbols which imply Buddhism. There are "the wheel", "the lotus flower" , "the conch shell", "the parasol", "An endless knot", "A pair of golden fishes", "A treasure vase" & "A banner proclaiming victory"!

Where is Buddhism now?

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Buddhism is practiced worldwide, with a significant presence in countries like Thailand, Japan, Sri Lanka, and Tibet. It has also gained popularity in the West, with many practitioners in Europe and the United States. Buddhism continues to evolve as it adapts to different cultures and modern contexts.

What is the life expectancy of Buddhist monk?

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The life expectancy of a Buddhist monk can vary depending on individual health, lifestyle choices, and environmental factors, just like any other person. However, studies have shown that individuals who regularly practice mindfulness and meditation, as many monks do, tend to have lower stress levels and improved overall health, which could potentially contribute to a longer lifespan.

Who is another person besides Buddha who left a life of luxury in order to pursue wisdom?

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Jesus, a central figure in Christianity, is known for leaving a life of comfort to spread his teachings and wisdom to others. He lived a simple and humble life, focusing on love, compassion, and spiritual growth.

What was the importance of Buddhism in east Asian societies?

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Buddhism played a significant role in shaping the cultural, social, and political landscapes of East Asian societies. It spread alongside trade routes, influencing art, architecture, literature, and philosophy. It also provided a moral and ethical compass for individuals and rulers, promoting values such as compassion, non-violence, and mindfulness.

Why is happiness considered to be Dukkha?

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In Buddhism, happiness is considered to be Dukkha, or unsatisfactory, because it is impermanent and not able to provide lasting contentment. Attachment to fleeting feelings of happiness can lead to suffering when those feelings inevitably change. Buddhists believe that true peace and liberation come from letting go of attachment to transient states of happiness and seeking a deeper, more stable inner peace.

How many years have dogs been around for?

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Dogs have been domesticated by humans for around 15,000-30,000 years, with the earliest evidence dating back to the last Ice Age.

What is the meaning to the quote What ten eyes behold what ten hands point to is to be regarded with reverence?

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This quote emphasizes the importance of perception and interpretation, suggesting that multiple perspectives can lead to a deeper understanding of a subject. It encourages us to respect and value diverse viewpoints as they can offer unique insights and uncover different facets of truth.

Who first wrote the teachings of the Buddha?

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The teachings of the Buddha were first passed down orally by his disciples after his death around 483 BCE. These teachings were later compiled into written texts in the first century BCE.

What is the relationship between god and empire in Recessional by Rudyard Kipling?

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In "Recessional" by Rudyard Kipling, the relationship between God and empire is portrayed as one of humility and warning. The poem cautions against the pride and arrogance that can come with imperial power, reminding readers that ultimately God's judgment and authority transcend any human empire. It serves as a reminder to remain humble and mindful of one's place in the larger cosmic order.

Who is the ferryman in Siddhartha?

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The ferryman in Siddhartha is named Vasudeva. He is a wise and enlightened character who helps guide Siddhartha on his spiritual journey. Vasudeva lives a simple and content life by the river and imparts valuable wisdom to Siddhartha.

What was the Monk's attitude toward the rules of his order?

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The Monk in Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales" does not follow the strict rules of his order. He is described as being extravagant, enjoying hunting and luxurious living rather than adhering to a life of poverty and humility as expected by his monastic order.

What country is mainly Buddist?

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Buddhism is mainly practiced in countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Japan.

What brings good luck when moving in a new house?

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Common items believed to bring good luck when moving into a new house include a horseshoe above the door, a lucky bamboo plant, a statue of a guardian angel or deity, and a bowl of salt placed in the corner of a room to absorb negative energy. It's important to choose items that hold personal significance to you and bring feelings of positivity and protection.