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Image search is to help find specific photos, pictures, drawings, or other images online to view or download. Requests for nude celebrity photos or fakes will be removed.

500 Questions

What are the optical parts of a compound microscope?

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Asked by Wiki User

The optical parts of a compound microscope include the eyepiece (ocular lens), the objective lens, and the condenser. The eyepiece magnifies the image, the objective lens collects light from the specimen, and the condenser focuses light onto the specimen.

Where can you find pictures of ribosomes?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can find pictures of ribosomes in textbooks, scientific journals, and online sources such as academic websites and research databases. Additionally, educational videos and animations may also feature visual representations of ribosomes.

Are different amounts of force needed to pound nails into different kinds of wood?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, different types of wood have varying densities and hardness levels. Softer woods like pine may require less force to pound nails in compared to harder woods like oak. Additionally, the moisture content and age of the wood can also impact the amount of force needed.

Where is Spain on a map?

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Asked by Wiki User

Spain is located in southwestern Europe, on the Iberian Peninsula, bordered by Portugal to the west and France to the northeast. Its southern and eastern boundaries meet the Mediterranean Sea.

What are some cleaning tips for a Sealy Posturepedic pillow top?

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Asked by Wiki User

To clean a Sealy Posturepedic pillow top mattress, start by vacuuming the surface to remove dust and debris. Spot clean any stains with a mild detergent and warm water, using a damp cloth. Allow the mattress to air dry completely before putting on clean bedding. Regularly rotating the mattress can also help maintain its shape and support.

What are all the different types of leaves?

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Asked by Wiki User

Broad leaves and needles are the two main types of leaves. Broad leaves are flat and come in various shapes and sizes, while needles are slender and usually found on coniferous trees. You may also come across other specialized types of leaves such as scale leaves, spines, and bracts in certain plant species.

What does a water moccasin look like?

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Asked by Wiki User

A water moccasin is a venomous snake that has a thick body, a dark olive or black color with distinctive crossbands on its back, a flat triangular head, and vertical pupils. It also has a heat-sensing pit between its eye and nostril. Be cautious as their bites can be harmful.

Who are the discoverers of elements named after their discovery and can you show some images of them?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some of the discoverers of elements named after them include Marie Curie (curium), Pierre Curie (pierrecurieum), and Glenn T. Seaborg (seaborgium). It is not possible to show images here, but you can easily find pictures of these scientists on the internet associated with their respective elements.

Draw and label a picture of the parts of a flower Then write the steps between pollination and fertilization?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm unable to draw images, but I can describe the parts of a flower for you. A flower typically consists of the following parts: petals, sepals, stamen (made up of anthers and filaments), and pistil (made up of stigma, style, and ovary). The steps between pollination and fertilization are as follows: after pollination occurs (transfer of pollen to stigma), a pollen tube grows down the style into the ovary, where it fertilizes an egg cell to form a zygote. This zygote then develops into a seed within the ovary, which eventually matures into a fruit.

Show image and information of heterophs and autotrophs?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm unable to show images. Heterotrophs are organisms that cannot produce their own food and rely on consuming other organisms for energy, while autotrophs can produce their own food through processes like photosynthesis. Examples of heterotrophs include animals and fungi, while examples of autotrophs include plants and some types of bacteria.

Where can you find a tributary?

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Asked by Wiki User

A tributary is generally found branching off from a larger river or stream. They can be located in various types of landscapes such as mountains, forests, plains, or urban areas.

Different pictures of kinds of forces?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Gravitational force: The force that attracts objects toward each other based on their mass.
  2. Electromagnetic force: The force responsible for interactions between charged particles, such as between protons and electrons in an atom.
  3. Frictional force: The force that resists the motion of an object over a surface caused by the contact between the surfaces.

What are the subatomic particles of aluminum .also if you could show a picture that would be great?

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Asked by Wiki User

The subatomic particles of aluminum are protons, neutrons, and electrons. Aluminum has 13 protons, 13 neutrons, and 13 electrons. Unfortunately, I'm unable to provide images in this text-based interface, but you can easily find visual representations of the atomic structure of aluminum online.

How do Water Boatman bugs arrive in my horse trough?

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Asked by Wiki User

Water Boatman bugs are attracted to water sources, especially those with algae and organic debris for them to feed on. They may have flown into your horse trough in search of food and breeding sites. These bugs are good swimmers and are able to live in a variety of aquatic environments.

What evidence shows that Columbus was a poor administrator?

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Asked by Wiki User

Upon his arrival in the Americas, Columbus struggled to manage the settlements he established, facing challenges such as famine, disease, and conflict with indigenous peoples. He also faced allegations of tyranny and mismanagement from his own crew members and colonists, leading to his removal as governor of the territories he governed. Columbus's inability to navigate these complex issues effectively contributed to his reputation as a poor administrator.

What does a 100ml beaker look like?

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Asked by Wiki User

A 100ml beaker typically has a cylindrical shape with a flat bottom and a spout for easy pouring. It is made of glass or plastic, with volume markings on the side to measure liquids accurately. The size of a 100ml beaker is smaller compared to larger beakers used in laboratories.

What color is Heliotrope?

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Asked by Wiki User

Heliotrope is a purplish-violet color with hints of blue and red. It is a medium to dark shade of purple that can vary in intensity.

Show me a picture of a nucleus?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm unable to show pictures. However, you can easily find images of a cell nucleus by doing a quick search on the internet.

Where can you find pictures of the world's oldest person?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can find pictures of the world's oldest person through online news sources, their verified social media accounts, or by contacting organizations such as Guinness World Records that track and verify such records. Keep in mind that privacy concerns or restrictions may limit the availability of such images.

What symbol picture appears when animal safety must be ensured?

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Asked by Wiki User

A common symbol to indicate animal safety is a image of a paw print, often accompanied by the words "Caution: Animals" or "Please be aware of animals."

Where Is Tartarus?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tartarus is a place that's located even lower than Hades' Underworld. Said to "hemmed by three layers of night" and is worse than hell. Zeus referred to it as "as far below the Earth as heaven is high above it."

Where can you find pictures of Filipino chemists with their discoveries?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can try searching for images of Filipino chemists and their discoveries on online image databases, academic websites, or the personal websites of the researchers themselves. Additionally, you may find relevant images in articles, research papers, or books that feature Filipino chemists and their work.

Picture of a nucleus?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm unable to view or display pictures, but I can provide information about a nucleus if you have a question.

What is a vacule?

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Asked by Wiki User

A vacuole is a membrane-bound organelle found in the cells of plants, fungi, and some protists. It functions to store water, nutrients, waste products, and other substances within the cell. Vacuoles also help maintain turgor pressure in plant cells to provide structural support.

2 kinds of forces?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gravitational force, which is the force of attraction between two masses, and electromagnetic force, which is the force between electrically charged particles.