

United Nations

Founded in 1945 after the second world war, the United Nations is the police of the world. Their goals include international security, social progress, equality in human rights, and world peace.

500 Questions

Why Japan is not the permanent member of United Nations?

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Japan has outlawed war (GEN Douglas MacArthur's directive during the occupation & reconstruction period after WWII). Japan is forbidden to fight wars or possess an army, navy or air force. They have instead, a SELF DEFENSE MARITIME FORCE, SELF DEFENSE GROUND FORCE, and a SELF DEFENSE AIR FORCE.

The point of the Permanent Members was also that they were the victors of WWII and the most powerful military nations. Japan was a destroyed loser.

Who established Israel as a Jewish state?

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After world war 2 The United Nations gave The Jewish people land in Israel. This idea was first proposed by Theodor Herzl.

Why did we bomb Libya?

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NATO gave air support to the rebels engaged with the Libyan army, to help them overthrow the Libyan dictatorship and Gaddafi.

Countries in the UN suffering from terrorist attacks e.g. can ask for help if the Security Council (Britain, Russia, USA, France and China) deem it appropriate to provide assisstance. If one of the "founder five" disagrees (refuses to provide help) then help cannot be granted though.

What made Italy hard to unite into a single country?

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Prior to unification, Italy was ruled by several versions of the Roman. It was also a series of city-states which then gave rise to nation-states. For all of these reasons, it was quite difficult to finally unite all of Italy under one nation's rule.

Why did UN troops bomb Kosovo and Serbia?

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The premise of the question is incorrect in its specifics. There was no United Nations force that was involved in the Kosovo War; there was a NATO force that was in operation during that conflict.

The NATO force intervened primarily to prevent a Serbian Genocide of Albanian Kosovars. As a result, the bombing runs targeted key aspects of Serbian infrastructure and military vehicles in order to weaken that state's ability to wage war against its Albanian minority.

Who adopted a plan to divide Palestine into Arab and Jewish states?

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The question seems to be looking for the answer "the United Nations General Assembly", but that is actually not quite correct.

In November of 1947, the United Nations General Assembly adopted UN Resolution 181 which specified that Mandatory Palestine would be divide into an Arab State and a Jewish State. However, the plan was only actualized in May of 1948 when the State of Israel declared independence according to the terms prescribed by UN Resolution 181. So, the plan was adopted in 1947, but realized in 1948.

When did Hungary join the UN?

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On the 1st May 2004 Hungary joined the EU (European Union)

Did the UN create Israel?

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The phrasing of the question misconstrues the authority of the (passed) United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181. Most people incorrectly believe that UNGA Resolution 181 (II), passed on November 29, 1947, "created" a Jewish State (Israel) and an Arab State (Palestine) on the map. This is not the case. What the UN Resolution does provide for is the permission for the different ethno-religious groups in Mandatory Palestine to declare a state. In the case of most mandates, the understanding was that the mandate would eventually become independent as one new state, like Iraq or Syria had. The case of Palestine was therefore unique and needed the permission to deviate from the traditional path of independence. Because of there being two states, provisional borders had to be provided, which is why a map was used, but those borders would only come into play if both sides decided to remain at peace.

The Jews acted on the permission granted to them by UN Resolution 181 by declaring independence on May 14, 1948 (nearly six months after the Resolution was passed) and therefore creating the State of Israel.

Has the united nations ever had to intervene in any conflict involving the united kingdom?

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Yes. The United Nations has intervened in the Arab-Israeli War of 1956 (also called the Suez Crisis, the Sinai Campaign, and the Tripartite War of Aggression), the Arab-Israeli War of 1967 (also called the Six Day War and the Naksa/Setback), and the Arab-Israeli War of 1973 (also called the Yom Kippur War, the Ramadan War, and the October War).

All three of those wars, the Arab-Israeli Wars of 1956, 1967, and 1973, involved Egypt.

When did South Africa join the United Nations?

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New Zealand was one of the 51 founding members of the United Nations. The UN charter was signed on 26 June 1945 and ratified by the founding members on 24 October 1945.

Who is the first Indian for the post of Secretary General of the United Nations in 2006-07?

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No Secretary General of the United Nations has come from India. From January 1, 1997 until December 31, 2006, the Secretary General was Kofi Annan. He is from Ghana. From January 1, 2007 until the present (January 2011), the Secretary General has been Ban Ki-mon who is from South Korea.

Why should India be given veto power in Un security council?

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India is the most populous country with over 1.30 billion people. It has one of the oldest civilisations and has always believed in peace and prosperity for all living beings.

India is a country where Hindus from the majority but it has also the largest Muslim population who have lived peacefully for more than a millennium. It has also welcomed people of other faiths whenever they came to its shores to escape persecution in their on lands. For example the Jews, Zoarashtrians, Bahais and many others.

If it is made a permanent member of the UN Security Council it will bring in a lot sanity to the world body. After all how can you stifle one of the largest section of the Human Race?

India is the most populous country with over 1.30 billion people. It has one of the oldest civilisations and has always believed in peace and prosperity for all living beings.

India is a country where Hindus from the majority but it has also the largest Muslim population who have lived peacefully for more than a millennium. It has also welcomed people of other faiths whenever they came to its shores to escape persecution in their on lands. For example the Jews, Zoarashtrians, Bahais and many others.

If it is made a permanent member of the UN Security Council it will bring in a lot sanity to the world body. After all how can you stifle one of the largest section of the Human Race?

Are there any similarities between the countries in the United Nations?

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Not between all of them (because some are in flux or in a civil war compromising important areas of the country or have diplomatic issues), but the overwhelming majority share certain features:

Defined Borders

Governments who exercise the only Legitimate Authority


Population of Citizens/Subjects/Residents

Process for Domestic Travel and International Travel

Diplomatic Recognition by other United Nations members

What is the slogan of the United Nations?

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The United Nations has the consistent slogan of " Peace and Security." However, the water division of UN Water has a slogan contest every year. The slogan for 2013 was "International Year of Water Cooperation."

Importance of the united nations in World War I?

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This is why the Untied Nation is important i dont know it but i will give you the link to it

Did the United Nations help Jews during the Holocaust?

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No, the United Nations Organization did not exist at the time.

When did Ethiopia join the United Nations?

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Israel became a country on May 14, 1948, but joined the United Nations on May 11, 1949.

United Nations troops landed at what Korean port in 1950?

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McAuthor landed forces at Inchon

Which country is not a permanent member of UN security council?

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At any one time there are 15 members of the UN Security Council. Of these 15 members, 10 are no permanent and 5 are permanent.

The permanent members are

  1. China,
  2. France,
  3. Russia,
  4. the United Kingdom,
  5. the United States.

Each of the 10 non permanent members stay on the council for a 2 year term with five new ones being elected to replace 5 leaving ones each year.

List of ten non permanent member of the security council?

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There are ten non-permanent members of the UNSC who are selected on a two year basis, of which five are replaced every year. They are selected from a set of regional blocs.

From the 1st of January, 2009 to the 31st of December, 2010:-

Austria (Western Europe and Others)

Japan (Asia)

Mexico (Latin America and Caribbean)

Turkey (Western Europe and Others)

Uganda (Africa)

From the 1st of January, 2010 to the 31st of December, 2011:-

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Eastern Europe)

Brazil (Latin America and Caribbean)

Gabon (Africa)

Lebanon (Asia and Arab)

Nigeria (Africa)

As above, there are a certain number of representatives from each of the regional blocs.

Africa - 3

Latin America and Caribbean - 2

Asia - 2

Western Europe and Others - 2

Eastern Europe - 1

There must also be an "Arab" nation, alternatively from the Asian and African bloc. This is currently Lebanon, thus the group for 1st of January, 2011 to 31st of December, 2012, will have a representative from an Arab nation as part of the African group.

First UN Secretary-General?

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Technically, the first Secretary General of The United Nations Was an Englishman named Gladwyn Jebb. He was appointed to the position at the formation of the United Nations on 24th October 1945. He held it until the 1st of February 1946, by which time the nations had managed to elect a Secretary General.

The first elected Secretary General was Trygve Lie who took office on the 1st February 1946 to the 10th November 1952.

5 permanent member countries of the security council?

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The United Nations Security council has 5 perminent memebers (often known as the "Big 5"), which also hold veto power in the council. These 5 nations are; China, Russia, France, The United Kingdom, and The United States.

Why did so many nations feel it was right to create Israel in 1948?

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There are two definitions for Palestine, and the answer changes depending on what definition you are using. The first way is to refer to the British Mandate of Palestine which includes the Modern State of Israel (except for the Golan Heights), the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank. The second way is to refer to exclusively those territories which the Palestinian Authority claims will serve as a basis for a future Palestinian State (State of Palestine): the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

The British Mandate of Palestine was created by the British who took an interest in the territory because of its pivotal location along the Asia-Africa landbridge and because of its Biblical significance.

The State of Palestine was created in 1988 to respond to the need for the Palestinian refugees of the Arab-Israeli Wars to create a state for themselves to self-govern and try to end their statelessness.