


Cooking Equipment

The culinary arts require many tools to assist in the preparation of delectable food products. Whether your question is about equipment, appliances, or utensils, this is the place to ask it.

500 Questions

What is the function of place plate?

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Asked by Wiki User

The place plate is the basic plate of an individual table setting. It is used as a marker or guide for the silverware and other components of the place setting and functions as a service plate when the food is serviced.

Process of ice to water?

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When ice is exposed to a temperature above its melting point of 0°C (32°F), it absorbs heat energy from the surroundings. As a result, the ice molecules gain enough energy to break free from their fixed positions and rearrange into a more disordered liquid state, transforming the ice into water. This process is known as melting.

How do you operate the self-cleaning oven on a caloric Prestige series propane stove?

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Asked by Wiki User

To operate the self-cleaning oven on a Caloric Prestige series propane stove, first remove any racks or items inside the oven. Then, set the cleaning cycle according to your oven's manual instructions. The oven will heat up to a high temperature, burning off any food residue, and you can wipe away the ash once the cycle is complete. Remember to follow all safety precautions and guidelines provided by the manufacturer.

When a sample of 20.0 g of CoCl2 - 6H2O is dried in an oven until dry CoCl2 is obtained what is the mass of dry cobalt chloride?

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Asked by Wiki User

The molar mass of CoCl2-6H2O is 237.93 g/mol. Out of this, 6 moles of water will be lost during dehydration, leaving behind CoCl2 which has a molar mass of 165.87 g/mol. Using stoichiometry, we can determine that the mass of dry CoCl2 will be about 13.63 g.

The section of the nation in which forests are the most abundant natural resources is?

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The Pacific Northwest region, including states like Oregon and Washington, is known for having abundant forests. The dense forests in this area consist of a variety of tree species and provide important ecosystem services, such as habitat for wildlife and carbon sequestration.

What is the dangers of microwaves?

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Exposure to high levels of microwaves can cause burns, cataracts, and other health issues. Additionally, consuming food that is not heated or cooked evenly in a microwave can pose a risk of foodborne illness.

Cobalt chrome alloy?

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Cobalt chrome alloy is a group of wear-resistant, non-magnetic alloys known for their high strength, corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility. They are commonly used in medical implants, aerospace components, and high-performance engineering applications. Cobalt chrome alloys have excellent fatigue resistance and are known for their ability to withstand high temperatures.

The use of a spatula in chemistry?

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In chemistry, a spatula is commonly used to transfer small amounts of solid chemicals from one container to another, to mix small quantities of substances, and to scrape solid residues from containers. It is a versatile tool that helps with precise and controlled handling of chemicals during experiments.

Why are pots made of metal and handles of pots made of plastic?

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Pots are made of metal because metal is durable, conducts heat well, and is resistant to high temperatures. Handles of pots are often made of plastic because plastic remains cooler to the touch than metal during cooking, reducing the risk of burns. Additionally, plastic handles are lightweight and allow for easy handling of the pot.

Are gas stoves better than electric?

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Gas stoves are preferred by some cooks for their precise temperature control and immediate heat when cooking. Electric stoves are preferred for their safety, easy cleaning, and even heat distribution. Both types have their advantages and it ultimately depends on personal preference and cooking needs.

How does refrigerator works in electromagnets?

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Refrigerators use electromagnets in the form of a compressor motor that circulates refrigerant through coils, converting it from gas to liquid and back to gas to absorb and release heat. The electromagnets are crucial for the motor to function and move the refrigerant, which allows the refrigerator to maintain a cold temperature inside.

What is the function of the tongs?

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Tongs are used to hold test tubes and other objects in a chemical/physical/biological laboratory.

Is arsenic stored in glass?

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Arsenic is not typically stored in glass due to its toxicity. Glass containers are not resistant to the corrosive nature of arsenic and can lead to contamination. Instead, arsenic is usually stored in specialized containers made of materials like polyethylene or HDPE (high-density polyethylene).

What is the Microwave disadvantages?

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Asked by Johaina

Microwaves can lead to uneven heating, resulting in some parts of the food being overcooked while others remain cold. They can also cause a loss of nutrients in certain foods due to the high heat levels and fast cooking times. Additionally, microwaves are not suitable for all types of cooking, such as those that require browning or crisping.

Can you fill a washing Machine with Ice to use as a cooler for a party and if so how would you drain it after the ice melts?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is possible to use a washing machine as a cooler for a party by filling it with ice. To drain it after the ice melts, simply open the drainage pump or hose located at the bottom of the washing machine. Be sure to clean the washing machine thoroughly before and after using it for this purpose.

What is funnel used for?

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A funnel is used to channel liquids or powders into containers with narrow openings, preventing spills and minimizing waste. It helps with precise pouring and transfers of substances without mess or loss. Funneling liquids or powders can simplify tasks such as filling bottles, jars, or containers.

Why is The heating element in a kettle is at the bottom explain why this is best place?

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If the heating element was at the top and the kettle was not full, then you would not be able to heat water because the element would not be in the water. Thus the only place for the element is at the bottom.

However, hot water is also less heavy than cold water, this means that heated water rises to the top and having the element at the bottom means that the water being heated is circulated and this is more efficient.

How do you clean a ceramic knife sharpener?

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To clean a ceramic knife sharpener, first remove any metal shavings with a small brush or compressed air. Next, wipe down the surface with a damp cloth or mild soapy water. Allow the sharpener to dry thoroughly before using it again.

How do you keep ice cold with out cooler?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can keep ice cold without a cooler by placing it in an insulated container, wrapping it in a towel or blanket, burying it in the ground, or using thermal blankets or reflective material to shield it from heat. Another option is to keep the ice in a shaded area with good airflow to help maintain its temperature.

Pancakes cooking on a griddle?

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Pancakes are cooking on a hot griddle until bubbles form on the surface, then flipped to cook the other side until golden brown and fluffy. The smell of butter and syrup fills the kitchen as the pancakes sizzle on the griddle, creating a comforting and delicious breakfast treat.

What is active alkalinity?

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Active alkalinity refers to the amount of alkalinity that is available in water to resist changes in pH. It is a measure of the water's buffering capacity against acidic substances that can change the pH level. Active alkalinity is important for maintaining stable pH levels in aquatic environments, such as aquariums or natural bodies of water.

How does convection occur in a convection chamber?

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Convection occurs in a convection chamber when air is heated, becomes less dense and rises, creating a current of hot air. As the hot air rises, cooler air is drawn into the chamber to replace it. This process of hot air rising and cool air sinking creates a circular flow of air, distributing heat evenly throughout the chamber.

Why does your stove electric igniter keep ticking even when the stove is off?

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The ticking noise in an electric igniter can be caused by moisture build-up, sparking due to a loose connection, or a faulty igniter switch. It is recommended to unplug the stove, clean the igniter area, check for loose connections, and replace the igniter switch if necessary to resolve the issue.

What is the element used in good cutlery?

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Stainless steel is commonly used in good cutlery due to its corrosion resistance, durability, and ability to maintain a sharp edge. High-quality cutlery may also be made from carbon steel or ceramic materials.