



Marriage is a social union or legal contract between individuals. It is an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged by a variety of ways, depending on the culture or demographic. Such a union may also be called matrimony.

500 Questions

What is the theme of marriage is a private affair?

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The theme of "Marriage is a Private Affair" by Chinua Achebe revolves around the conflict between traditional values and modern beliefs. The story explores how personal choices and familial expectations can clash when it comes to marriage, highlighting the tension between individual autonomy and cultural traditions.

What does it mean when wedding rings break?

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Well if your wedding ring breaks that means that your marraige is not good, but if it cracks that means that something in the marrage is wrong and you need to find out what it is and fix it. It also means the person who is wearing the ring is being deceitful.

Do you have to consummate marriage?

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Depends on where you live.

This is what English law says about it:

Section 12 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 provides the ground for a voidable marriage. A marriage is voidable if it has not been consummated due to the incapacity of either party to consummate it. Consummation requires sexual intercourse which is ordinary and complete. On the other hand, a marriage will also be voidable where either party to the marriage voluntarily refuses to consummate it. However, a party may not seek a decree of nullity resulting from his own refusal to consummate the marriage. Where either party to the marriage has not consented to it, the marriage may be avoided. There will be no consent where there has been duress, mistake, unsoundness of mind or otherwise. It is worth noting that Section 13 Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 provides certain bars where the marriage is voidable.

What is short for grandmother?

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Grandma, Nan , Nana


Gram works too.

When the father is deceased Do you ask the brothers for permission to marry?

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In some cultures and traditions, it is customary and respectful to seek permission from the deceased father's brothers before proposing marriage. This gesture is seen as a sign of respect for the family and seeking their blessing for the union. However, this practice may vary depending on individual beliefs and customs.

Atleast 3 possible theme of dead stars?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. The theme of lost love and unfulfilled expectations, as seen through the relationships of the characters in the story.
  2. The theme of nostalgia and longing for the past, as the characters reflect on their youth and past relationships.
  3. The theme of self-discovery and realization, as the characters confront the reality of their lives and choices.

Is it possible to marry at 15 in England if your parents gardians agree?

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No, the legal age to marry in England is 16. Parental or guardian consent cannot permit someone under 16 to get married in England.

If you are getting adopted by your foster parents and you want to marry her real son can you?

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It is not legally prohibited for an adopted individual to marry their former foster sibling. However, it can raise ethical and emotional considerations due to the familial nature of the relationship. It is important to carefully consider these complexities before moving forward with such a relationship.

In Italian what does festa mean?

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"Festa" in Italian translates to "party" or "celebration." It refers to a gathering or event where people come together to socialize and have fun.

When did honeymoons start?

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The concept of honeymoons dates back hundreds of years, with origins in various cultures around the world. In Western traditions, the practice gained popularity in the 19th century as a way for newlyweds to spend time together and celebrate their marriage away from their daily responsibilities.

What can you do if your wife has chosen to live with her mother instead of you?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's important to communicate openly and honestly with your wife to understand her reasons for choosing to live with her mother. Counseling or therapy may help facilitate discussions and address any underlying issues. Respect her decision and work together to find a solution that benefits both of you and strengthens your relationship.

Why do husbands make more important decision?

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Historically, husbands have been viewed as the primary breadwinners and decision-makers in a household. This traditional division of roles has led to a perception that husbands should have more say in important decisions. However, modern relationships are moving towards a more equal partnership where both spouses share decision-making responsibilities.

You asked your girlfriend to marry you and she said she was going to get back at you how long do you wait?

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It's important to communicate with your girlfriend to understand her feelings and concerns before moving forward. Give her some time and space to process her thoughts and emotions before discussing next steps. It's essential to approach the situation with empathy and open communication to address any issues together.

Does your spouse still love you if they are mad at you constantly?

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It's possible for someone to still love you but feel hurt or upset by your actions. It's important to communicate openly with your spouse to address their concerns and work towards resolving any issues in the relationship. Marriage counseling can also be helpful in improving communication and understanding between partners.

Why is a good marriage so important later in life?

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A good marriage later in life can provide emotional support, companionship, and a sense of security. It can also contribute to better physical and mental health outcomes, as well as create a fulfilling and happy life during retirement years. Additionally, having a strong relationship can help alleviate feelings of loneliness and provide a sense of purpose and meaning in later years.

How do you find yourself in a old newspaper?

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You can try searching for your name, relevant keywords, or events associated with you in online newspaper archives or databases. You can also visit local libraries, historical societies, or archives to search for physical copies of old newspapers.

How much does a mail order bride cost?

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The cost of a mail order bride can vary widely, but it typically involves fees for matchmaking services, communication tools, travel expenses, and legal processes. These costs can add up to thousands or tens of thousands of dollars. It's important to be cautious and consider the authenticity and ethical implications of engaging in such arrangements.

What is the best way to preserve my marriage if my wife is a narcissist?

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It is important to establish boundaries with your wife, seek individual therapy to cope with the challenges of being in a relationship with a narcissist, and consider couples therapy to improve communication and address issues in the marriage. Prioritizing self-care and seeking support from loved ones can also help you navigate this difficult situation.

What are the biographies of the senators?

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Biographies of senators vary widely as there are 100 senators in the U.S. Senate. Senators come from diverse backgrounds and have experience in fields such as law, business, politics, and public service. Many senators have served in various government positions before being elected to the Senate.

Is Sterling Sharpe Married?

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Yes, Sterling Sharpe is married to Cindy Sharp. They have been together for many years and have a family together.

What is a gold diggers marriage?

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A gold digger primarily enters into a marriage with someone wealthier than themselves for financial benefits. Either the wealthier spouse is unaware of the gold digger's motives, or the wealthier spouse requires the 'gold digger' to reciprocate with sex, companionship, bearing children, looking like a trophy, etc.

How write leave application for friends marriage?

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Asked by Wiki User

Subject: Leave Request for a Friend's Wedding

Hi [Supervisor's Name],

I hope you are doing well. I need a few days off for my friend's wedding, which is on [specific dates]. I've obtained the invitation and want to be there to have a good time with them.

I'm requesting to depart from [start date] to [end date], which is [number of days]. I'll make sure to manage my work responsibilities before I leave and assist with any necessary handovers to my colleagues.

I appreciate the importance of my work, and I'm dedicated to ensuring a clean workflow during my absence. Please let me know if we can discuss this in addition or if there's anything specific you want from me.

Thanks a lot for your understanding, and I'm looking forward to your response.


[Your Full Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Contact Information]

What hand does the engagement ring go on?

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The engagement ring is traditionally worn on the fourth finger of the left hand, also known as the ring finger. This tradition is based on the belief that the vein in this finger, called the 'vena amoris' or the 'vein of love,' is directly connected to the heart.

Where can you get wholesale fake flowers?

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Asked by Wiki User

The internet would be the best place to start looking. Be sure to type in 'deals on fake flowers' or 'clearance sale fake flowers' so you get the lowest prices.

What is marriage immigration visa?

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A marriage immigration visa, also known as a spouse visa or a marriage-based visa, is a type of visa that allows a foreign national to enter and live in a country based on their marriage to a citizen or a permanent resident of that country. This visa is granted to individuals who are married to someone who is already a citizen or permanent resident of the country they wish to immigrate to. The purpose of this visa is to enable spouses to reunite and live together in the same country.