

China in WW2

China's participation in World War 2 began a historical change within one of the most populated countries of the world.

500 Questions

When did America officialy enter world war 2?

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The United States declared war on Japan on 8th December 1941, the day after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour.

What kind of money people in China use?

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The official currency used in China is the Chinese Yuan, also known as Renminbi. The symbol for the Chinese Yuan is ¥ and the currency code is CNY. It is used for most transactions within the country.

What is the average yearly rainfall for wv?

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The average yearly rainfall in West Virginia is around 40-45 inches. However, this can vary depending on the specific region within the state.

Examples of diffusion?

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  1. The spreading of perfume or cologne in a room after it is sprayed.
  2. The movement of oxygen from the alveoli in the lungs into the bloodstream.
  3. The process by which small molecules like glucose and oxygen move into and out of cells to be used for cellular functions.

Why is solubility important to transport?

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Solubility is important for transport because substances need to dissolve in bodily fluids in order to be transported to different parts of the body. If a substance is not soluble, it may not be able to effectively travel through the bloodstream or cellular membranes to reach its intended target. Solubility also affects the rate at which a substance can be absorbed and excreted by the body.

All of the climates?

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The main types of climates are tropical, dry, temperate, continental, and polar. Each type is characterized by its temperature, humidity, and precipitation levels, resulting in different weather patterns and ecosystems. Climate classifications help us understand and study the Earth's varying climatic conditions.

How does the geographical location of guadeloupe impacts tourism?

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Guadeloupe's location in the Caribbean makes it a popular tourist destination due to its tropical climate, beautiful beaches, and rich culture. The island's proximity to North America and Europe also makes it easily accessible for tourists from these regions. The diverse landscapes, including rainforests, waterfalls, and volcanic peaks, further contribute to its appeal for tourists seeking natural beauty and outdoor activities.

What are the Advantages of living near an aluminum site?

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Living near an aluminum site can provide job opportunities and economic benefits to local communities. It may also lead to infrastructure development and improved access to resources. Additionally, proximity to an aluminum site can foster technological advancements and contribute to the growth of related industries in the area.

What is the current population of China?

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The current population of China is (updated in June 2009) is 1,338,612,968, though this figue has to be taken with a pinch of salt because, due to the one child policy, some in rural areas hide their extra children so they don't have to pay the fine for having more than one child.

Which city is the birthplace of the Chinese Communist Party?

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Shanghai is considered the birthplace of the Chinese Communist Party as the first National Congress of the party was held there in 1921.

Is sociology just common sense?

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No, sociology goes beyond common sense by examining society through systematic research methods and theories. It helps us understand social patterns, structures, and processes that may not be immediately obvious through everyday observations or assumptions.

Are Koreans racist?

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Like any society, there can be instances of racism in Korea. However, it is not accurate to generalize and say that all Koreans are racist. Just like in any country, attitudes and behaviors towards other races can vary among individuals.

What separates sociology from common sense?

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Sociology is a scientific discipline that uses systematic methods to study society and human behavior, while common sense is based on personal experiences and beliefs. Sociology relies on empirical data and theories to understand social phenomena, whereas common sense may rely on intuition or tradition. Sociology aims to uncover patterns and structures underlying social behavior, whereas common sense may be limited by individual perspectives and biases.

What is the least dense country in the world?

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Greenland is the least densely populated country in the world. With a population of around 56,000 people spread across its vast land area, it has a very low population density.

What countries have a Population Law?

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Some countries that have population laws include China with its one-child policy (now relaxed to a two-child policy), India with various state-implemented population control measures, and Iran with its policies encouraging higher birth rates after previously promoting lower birth rates. These laws are often introduced to manage population growth and address social and economic challenges.

What is an example of Cultural diffusion in Canada?

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One example of cultural diffusion in Canada is language. British and French people comes to Canada and introduces their languages to Canadians, so now these two languages becomes the two most spoken, and official languages of Canada. United States and Canada both engage in hockey, and baseball. Hockey comes from Canada, and baseball comes from American culture. This is an example of Cultural Convergence in Canada.

This answer is a 50:50, meaning it might not be 100% correct.

What is China's most populated place?

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The most populated place in China is Shanghai, which is a major financial and commercial center with approximately 24 million people living in the city.

What is difference between common sense and social sciences?

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Common sense refers to practical, everyday knowledge that people acquire through life experiences, while social sciences are academic fields that study society and human behavior using research methods and theories. Common sense is based on personal observations and beliefs, while social sciences aim to analyze and understand societal patterns and phenomena through a systematic approach.

What is an example of cultural diffusion?

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An American restaurant selling Pizza made according to Islamic halal religious requirements

An American restaurant selling pizza made according to Islamic halal religious requirements

What are public schools?

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Public schools are institutions of education that are funded by the government and open to all students in a community. They are typically free to attend and operate according to state or local regulations. Public schools are intended to provide a comprehensive education to students of all backgrounds.

What state did public schools start in?

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The concept of public schools started in Massachusetts in 1635 with the establishment of the first public school in the United States, the Boston Latin School. This marked the beginning of public education in the country.

How was king ducan killed?

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King Duncan was killed by Macbeth, who stabbed him to death while he was sleeping in his chambers in Macbeth's castle. This act was orchestrated by Lady Macbeth and was part of the plan to seize the throne.

When did communist take over mainland china?

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Communists (advocates of the abolition of the wages system and establishment of a classless society) have never taken power in China or anywhere else. In 1949 China became a state capitalist country.

What percentage of England's land is arable?

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Approximately 23% of England's land is classified as arable.