



A headache is any pain or discomfort in the area of the head or upper neck. It can be chronic or irregular, mild or severe enough to\ interrupt one’s daily activities.

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How to know what people are thinking?

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It is not possible to know exactly what people are thinking without them telling you. You can try to understand their thoughts by paying attention to their words, body language, and actions, but it is important to communicate openly and honestly to truly understand someone's thoughts.

Will aspirin help a brain tumor headache go away?

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Aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are typically used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. However, they are not typically used as primary treatments for headaches caused by brain tumours. Here are a few reasons why:

Limited Effectiveness: Aspirin and NSAIDs are more effective for headaches related to inflammation or tension, such as migraines or tension headaches. Headaches caused by brain tumors are often due to increased intracranial pressure or other factors directly related to the tumor, and these medications may not provide significant relief in such cases.

Underlying Cause: Brain tumor headaches are usually a symptom of the tumor itself, and treating the headache alone does not address the underlying cause. It's essential to identify and treat the tumor to alleviate associated symptoms.

Potential Risks: Using aspirin or NSAIDs for brain tumor headaches without proper medical evaluation and supervision can be risky. These medications can have side effects, interact with other treatments, and mask important symptoms that need medical attention.

Medical Evaluation: If you experience persistent or severe headaches, especially if they are accompanied by other symptoms like changes in vision, speech difficulties, or neurological symptoms, it's crucial to seek medical evaluation promptly. A healthcare professional can determine the cause of the headaches and recommend appropriate treatments, which may include medications specifically for managing tumor-related symptoms.

It's always best to consult with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and management of headaches, especially when they could be related to underlying medical conditions such as brain tumors.

What is the scientific name for a sore throat?

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The scientific name for a sore throat is "pharyngitis."

What is the scientific name for the headache?

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The scientific name for a headache is cephalalgia.

How do you cure a massive headache?

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The treatment for your headache depends on what type of headache it is (there is a long list of different kinds of headaches) and what has caused it. For best results, consult a headache specialist who is trained to diagnosis and treat headache disorders.

What has gabapentin been approved to treat?

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Gabapentin has been approved to treat seizures, nerve pain caused by shingles (postherpetic neuralgia), and certain types of nerve pain (neuropathic pain) associated with diabetes. It is also used off-label for other conditions like anxiety, restless leg syndrome, and migraines.

What is the medical term meaning whiplash?

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The medical term for whiplash is cervical acceleration-deceleration (CAD) injury. This term describes a neck injury caused by a sudden jerking motion of the head, often occurring in car accidents. Symptoms may include neck pain, stiffness, and limited range of motion.

Why does your head hurt after running?

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Headaches can result from a variety of factors during running, such as dehydration, lack of proper warm-up, poor posture, or exertion from increased blood flow. It could also be attributed to stress or tension. Ensure you're hydrated, maintain good running form, and incorporate sufficient rest and recovery to mitigate headaches after running.

Can a chiropactor cause occipital neuralgia?

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Asked by Wiki User

Chiropractors offer great help in the treatment of occipital neuralgia. These experts are skilled in providing treatment for the spinal column and nervous system. They use various treatment methods to relieve their symptoms. Plus, they give quick relief by reducing inflammation and irritation of the occipital nerve. The sacro-occipital technique (SOT) is a type of chiropractor who specializes in treating pain by improving spine alignment. They also help relieve any chronic pain.

When it comes to occipital neuralgia, it can help due to the tight muscles that can cause discomfort and pain. So, there are fewer chances of getting occipital neuralgia if you have a treatment from a chiropractor. But, if you feel pain in your neck and head after chiropractic therapy, then you should seek medical help promptly.

How does taking a nap help a headache?

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Asked by Olmsted95

it help in a way that the person is relaxing and as well it gives you time to sleep

What does a basketball smell like?

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Asked by Wiki User

leathery..weird stuff.
Like a basketball.

Or basically dirty rubber. You'd be surprised where people bounce them.

Is increased hunger and headaches before a missed period a sign of possible pregnancy?

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It's possible but not probable. It could just be due to a change in routine or some severe PMS. Your symptoms of pregnancy will usually appear anywhere from the first week of your expected period to 1-2 weeks after your first week of expected period. Your first signs of pregnancy most commonly include missed period, tender/swollen breasts, change in color of the breasts, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, increased sense of smell, and weight gain. Here is a link to a website that will calculate the probability of your pregnancy:

Can cats cause a headache in humans?

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If a person has minor allergies to cats then they could get a headache. Most of the time when a person is allergic to cats they will other symptoms as well such as runny nose, itchy eyes, and swollen glands.

Do animals get headaches?

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AnswerYes. Animals can receive headaches from cerebral trauma, swimmer's ear, or from ear mites eating away at brain tissue. Not fun!

they don't get headaches !

Do gerbils get headaches?

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i havent heard they can but my gerbil wiffy's head was shaking for a while one time so maybe they can have headaches

If you have a headache should you drink Mountain Dew?

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Asked by Caitybugz

No. . . Caffine is bad for headaches. . . It'll probabally just make it worse. . .

Why does tea make you pee?

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Tea doesn't make you urinate any more than any other drink containing water does.

Whether you drink a 200ml glass of water or a 200ml mug of tea, you'll urinate the same amount.

How much you urinate depends on how much you drink and how much of what you drink isn't absorbed by your bloodstream.

Some caffeinated drinks can cause contractions to the bladder giving you the feeling that you desperately need to urinate, when in fact you don't. Therefore coffee would make you feel the need to urinate more than tea.

Can drinking too much water be bad for you?

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Yes, drinking too much water can be toxic - except it is very hard to drink too much fresh, clean water to be able to die. Normal healthy people would need to drink on the order of 20 liters per day for it to be toxic but people with some medical problems, particularly the elderly and very young, can get toxic on much lesser amounts. Also people with psychiatric disorders, most notably schizophrenia.

Drinking too much water is called polydipsia. This, as well as several other processes, can cause low blood concentrations of sodium, which is known as (dilutional) hyponatremia.

How do you stop coffee headaches?

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If you just stop drinking coffee, you will get head aches. So the way to do it is like this.

Say you drink 3 cups a day, reduce that number to 1 cup. Then once down to one cup a day drink a cup only once every 3 days, do this 3 times (9 days). Next drink one cup every 4 days, then 5 days, etc. Until you drink one cup a week. Next drink one cup every 2 weeks and so on until you drink one cup a month. By then your body will not need the coffee/caffeine, so then you can stop! :)

Now, remove all coffee produces (including coffee cake) from home and work.

Stay away from coffee stores because you might get tempted.

Soon you will have a coffee/headache free body and life. :)

Why does drinking alcohol give you a headache?

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I'm no expert but i am Scottish had the same problem and this is my conclusion

I find if you are not drinking enough water during the day,or drinking too many sugar based drinks as a substitute for water your body will gradually become dehydrated

when you drink alcohol your body will not ingest the H2O content of the beverage as efficiently as usual but rather concentrate its efforts with breaking down the alcohol, which it regards as poison dehydrating you very quickly

So my theory is this.....You are suffering what we call a " mid day hangover"

remember a hangover is just a manifestation of dehydration.

so the solution i found to deal with this is get you body in a regime where water is its main source of hydration (during the day) this takes a bit of time.

I find it takes about 3 weeks to flush out your system.

Then your ready to rock you body can cope with the drinking process with added benefits such as..

The Hang Over Cure - Have a pee then drink a pint of water before bed, it shaves the edge of the morning misery.

Please note from experience if you still feel drunk or unsure you are hung over!

Drinking water sometimes ain't a good idea.

I got on a bus heading to work after a night out. My head was splitting, no moisture in mouth. Infact i was so ill i could not even have a cigarette.

When i got to work, I open a bottle of water and within five minutes of drinking it a was pished again and hungover by lunch time


and the beer you are consuming is being utalised to hydrate your body while the effect of alcohol will dehidrate tor body this may send mixed signals around manafesting its self as a headach

and your urine is dark yellow

Does not drinking water cause headaches?

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Drinking too much water can cause brain swelling, which ultimately leads to a dull headache as the brain pushes against the bone. While it's (generally) not life-threatening, experts generally agree that if you are urinating more than once every two hours, you are drinking too much water.

Why do you get a headache after drinking?

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Alcohol that we drink is essentially ethanol (CH3CH2OH).

In our body, ethanol is metabolized into acetaldehyde by an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). In turn, the acetaldehyde is also metabolized to acetate by acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH). These metabolizing enzymes are found in liver. Acetate is used in several biological cycles such as in muscle cells to produce acetyl-CoA etc.

Our headache (and other hangover symptoms) is believed to be caused by this acetaldehyde in our blood. It takes time for our body to metabolize acetaldehyde and this time depends on how much alcohol you drink. Less = shorter^^

In our body's point of view, alcohol is a toxic substance with its toxicity levels closely related to the dosage. Metabolism is a way for our body to breakdown this toxic substance in our system.

Ethanol is a central nervous system depressant and a psychoactive drug so moderate amount of drinking for recreational purposes is very ok!! :)

If you suffer from hangover and headaches after drinking, just wait it out and give your body time to flush the alcohol out. If possible, try not to take analgesic drugs like paracetamol or aspirin to relieve your symptoms as your liver is already busy with metabolizing your alcohol.

Alcohol tends to dehydrate so drink plenty of water and don't skip out on your meals in order to keep your metabolic process active!!

Why do you get brain freezes while eating ice cream?

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Ice dream or anything cold gives you a brain freeze when it touches the roof of your mouth where there is a blood vessel that connects to your brain. This is why your brain "freezes".

You can put your thumb on the roof of your mouth and the brain freeze normally would go away.

Why do your eyes hurt after using the computer for awhile?

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Asked by Taelia

Eyes begin to hurt after a time on the computer because you tend to blink less and so they become dry. So, look away periodically. You can also use liquid tears as needed--avoid the red out variety since you will end up with a rebound feature. Also, if there is a glare to your screen, you can reduce it by adjusting the monitor contrast. Eyes begin to hurt after a time on the computer because you tend to blink less and so they become dry. So, look away periodically. You can also use liquid tears as needed--avoid the red out variety since you will end up with a rebound feature. Also, if there is a glare to your screen, you can reduce it by adjusting the monitor contrast.

What are the causes of scoliosis?

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There are many causes for scoliosis which are




Other causes for scoliosis include cerebral palsy, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophy and tumors