



Marriage is a social union or legal contract between individuals. It is an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged by a variety of ways, depending on the culture or demographic. Such a union may also be called matrimony.

500 Questions

How do you spy on someone in your house?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can spy on your family and siblings by being very sneaky and quiet. You can also set up cameras and microphones for extra spying. Make sure you do not let your family see you while your on duty. When your spying on your

mom, dad, siblings, cousins, etc. do not let them see you. Look for clues and objects that they may have.

Is it acceptable for Christian husbands to spank their wives?

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Asked by Wiki User

Absolutely not. You are her husband, not her father (and it would be unacceptable for a father to spank his daughter as well).

It is perfectly acceptable provided the spanking is not too extreme and completely consensual. Many wives declare that they want their husband to turn her over his knee, pull her panties down and tan her bottom for specific misbehaviors or bad attitude. Using a hand or a hairbrush, either is suitable for the purpose and I admire couples that incorporate the corporal in their healthy, loving unions. Bravo! - Happy Hubby

Why wives mean to husbands?

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Asked by Wiki User

My wife says "cuz husbands usually deserve it".

Why some husbands dont like to take out their wives?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because they are very annoyed by them, duh...

What is the names of Ellen Ochoa's kids?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ellen Ochoa does not have any children. She is a former astronaut and the first Hispanic woman to go to space.

What are the marriage options of a person of blood genotype AC?

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Asked by Andyochez

A person with blood genotype AC can generally marry someone with a compatible blood genotype such as AA, AC, or CC to avoid potential blood compatibility issues in offspring. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider or genetic counselor for personalized advice based on specific circumstances.

Does marrying a kenyan woman guarantee kenyan citizenship?

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Asked by Wiki User

Marrying a Kenyan woman does not automatically grant you Kenyan citizenship. You can apply for citizenship through marriage, but it is not guaranteed and there are specific requirements and processes that need to be followed.

What is beach sand made of?

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Asked by Wiki User

Beach sand is primarily made up of quartz crystals that are worn down from rocks over time. Other components may include minerals such as feldspar, mica, and magnetite, as well as small shell fragments and coral pieces. The composition of beach sand can vary depending on the location.

Where is the line of adultery drawn?

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Asked by Wiki User

Adultery is typically defined as when a married person engages in sexual activity with someone other than their spouse. Laws and customs may vary by country or religion, but generally, it involves breaching a commitment or promise of monogamy within a marital relationship.

How many people were married last year in the UK?

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Asked by Wiki User

Around 242,842 people got married in the UK in 2020.

After 25 years of marriage your wife doesnt want to forgive you for your past lack of affection toward her and now you are arguing every other day help i give her a compliment she uses it to get mad?

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Asked by Need2change

Communication is key in any relationship. It's important to have a calm and open conversation with your wife about your feelings and past actions. Acknowledge her hurt and make a genuine effort to rebuild trust by showing consistent affection. Seek couples therapy to help improve your communication and address underlying issues.

I am in love and time has been passing so slowly and I can't stop thinking about her especially with the slow time - is this normal?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, feeling consumed by thoughts of a loved one and experiencing time differently when in love is natural. Enjoy this phase of heightened emotions and connection, but also make sure to maintain a balance by engaging in other activities and self-care to keep a healthy perspective on the relationship.

Is Matthew Bellamy married?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Matthew Bellamy is married to Elle Evans. They got married in 2019.

Does anybody ever respect the marriage vows?

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Asked by Wiki User

While some people may choose not to honor their marriage vows, many others do take them seriously and strive to uphold them. It ultimately depends on the individuals involved and their personal values and commitments.

How can you tell if you are in love with someone?

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Asked by Wiki User

You may be in love with someone if you feel a deep emotional connection, care about their well-being and happiness, and prioritize their needs and feelings. Love often involves a strong bond, mutual respect, and a desire to support each other through life's challenges.

Is there any hope of saving your marriage if you have been separated for three years?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is possible to save a marriage after being separated for three years, but it will require both partners to be committed to working on the issues that led to the separation, seeking professional help such as counseling, and being open to rebuilding trust and communication. It may be a challenging process, but with dedication and effort from both parties, reconciliation is possible.

Is your husband gay if he spends hours upon hours every night talking on the internet with another guy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Spending hours talking to someone online doesn't necessarily mean your husband is gay. It could be a strong friendship or common interests. It's important to openly communicate with your husband about your concerns and discuss the nature of their relationship.

Would a straight man have photos of other men's penis?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is unusual for a straight man to have photos of other men's penises unless they have a specific reason, such as a medical or research purpose. If a straight man has photos of other men's penises for sexual gratification or without a valid reason, it may suggest a different sexual orientation or interest.

Why is your husband nice to you in front of people and mean to you when you are alone?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's possible that your husband is trying to maintain a certain image or appease others when in public. However, his behavior towards you in private is a serious concern and should be addressed with open and honest communication. Consider seeking support from a trusted friend, therapist, or counselor to navigate this situation and prioritize your well-being.

How do you deal with your wife accidentally telling you that you are smaller than her last boyfriend?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's important to communicate openly and honestly with your wife about how her comment made you feel. Express your thoughts and listen to her perspective as well. Consider seeking couples therapy to navigate this sensitive issue and strengthen your relationship.

How do i invite my friends for my sisters marriage?

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Asked by Wiki User

Great question!

I would say through a formal invitation. Word of mouth is too casual for something like this. Your friends might think you only invited them because you had to. Even if that was the case, a formal invitation will clear all this up. Enjoy! Happy nuptials! ;)

Is marriage retarded?

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Asked by Wiki User

Marriage is a personal choice that can bring fulfillment and companionship to individuals. It is not appropriate to use the term "retarded" in this context as it is derogatory and offensive. It is important to respect individuals' decisions regarding marriage and to use respectful language when discussing the topic.

Why do men get fatter after marriage?

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Asked by Wiki User

Weight gain after marriage is not exclusive to men. Factors like lifestyle changes, stress, comfort in the relationship, and shared eating habits can contribute to weight gain in both men and women post-marriage. It's important to prioritize health and wellness together to combat this trend.

How do you start conversation with husband about him quitting drinking?

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Asked by Wiki User

Choose a private setting and express your concerns in a loving and non-confrontational way. Use "I" statements to communicate your feelings and observations, and express your support for his well-being. Offer to help him find resources or professional help if needed.

Is it normal to have cold feet before a wedding?

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Asked by WriteClub

Yes, it is common to feel nervous or anxious before a significant event like a wedding, which can manifest as cold feet. It's normal to have some doubts or jitters about such a big step, but remember it's okay to feel this way and it doesn't necessarily mean you are making the wrong decision. Communication with your partner and trusted loved ones can help alleviate these feelings.