



This category is the nuts and bolts of applying what the eye sees to the medium of paper. How to information, techniques of drawing, and design essentials are found in this section. Various papers, pencils, pens, and other accessories are also addressed in this category.

500 Questions

What is the purpose of a sketch map?

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Asked by Wiki User

A sketch map is used to provide a simple visual representation of an area or route. It helps convey key information quickly, such as landmarks, directions, or points of interest. Sketch maps are often used for planning purposes, fieldwork, or to give a general overview of a location.

How do you draw Amerigo Vespucci?

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Asked by Wiki User

To draw Amerigo Vespucci, start with a basic outline of a man's face and include details such as a pointed nose, chin, and curly hair. Focus on capturing his distinctive features, such as his prominent nose and expression. Study reference images of Amerigo Vespucci to help guide your drawing.

How do you draw a phospholipid?

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Asked by Wiki User

To draw a phospholipid, you can start by sketching a glycerol molecule in the center with two fatty acid chains attached to the first two carbon atoms, and a phosphate group attached to the third carbon atom. The phosphate group usually has other molecules like choline or serine attached to it, forming the head group. Finally, add a hydrophobic tail to each fatty acid chain to represent the lipid bilayer structure.

What are projection lines?

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Asked by Wiki User

Projection lines are imaginary lines drawn to represent the projected view of an object on a different plane or surface. They are commonly used in technical drawing and engineering to create accurate representations of three-dimensional objects in two-dimensional drawings. By extending these projection lines, the shape and dimensions of an object can be accurately depicted from different viewpoints.

How do you draw an earthquake in action?

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Asked by Wiki User

To draw an earthquake in action, you could depict buildings shaking, the ground splitting apart, people running for safety, and objects falling off shelves. You can use jagged lines to show the movement of the earth and emphasize chaos and destruction in the scene.

How do you draw floral diagram of rutaceae family?

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Asked by Wiki User

To draw a floral diagram of the Rutaceae family, first, identify the key floral parts: sepals, petals, stamens, pistil, ovary position, and symmetry. Then, represent these parts in a diagram using symbols for each floral part. Make sure to correctly depict the arrangement and connections of these parts within the flower structure. Finally, label the diagram with the appropriate floral formula to summarize the floral characteristics of the Rutaceae family.

Drawing and recognising forms of important contours like valleysridges?

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Asked by Wiki User

Valleys and ridges are important contour features that can be represented on topographic maps using contour lines. Valleys are represented by V-shaped contour lines pointing towards higher elevations, while ridges are represented by U-shaped contour lines pointing towards lower elevations. By understanding how contour lines represent these features, you can accurately interpret the topography of an area.

What does the color black symbolize when children color with it?

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Asked by Wiki User

Black is often associated with themes of darkness, mystery, authority, and strength. When children color with black, it may represent feelings of power, seriousness, or even a desire to express boldness or intensity in their artwork.

What is the scale and why scale must be considered when the draughtman drawing the plan?

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Asked by Wiki User

The scale on a drawing represents the ratio of the size of the drawing to the actual size of the object. It must be considered to ensure accurate measurements and proportions in the drawing. Using the correct scale helps convey the information clearly and allows others to interpret the drawing accurately.

What is the life cycle of a pencil?

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Asked by Wiki User

A pencil is made from wood, graphite, and a metal ferrule. It begins its life cycle by being manufactured from these materials, then used for writing or drawing until it becomes too short to use. At this point, it is typically discarded and either ends up in a landfill or is recycled.

How do you draw a sword?

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Asked by Wiki User

To draw a sword, grip the hilt firmly with one hand while placing the other hand on the blade near the guard. Slowly and smoothly pull the sword out of its scabbard, keeping it in control and ready for use. Make sure to practice proper technique and safety precautions when handling a sword.

What pens are best to use for colouring in anime?

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Asked by Kiwimushroom

Copic markers are a popular choice for coloring anime due to their vibrant colors and blendability. Other options include Prismacolor colored pencils or Posca Paint Pens for adding details. Ultimately, the best pen will depend on personal preference and the desired effect.

Who writes and or draws the manga The Animal Master?

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Asked by Wiki User

The manga "The Animal Master" is written and drawn by Hoshino Lily. It follows the story of a young woman who can communicate with animals and helps them with their problems.

What shop can you buy a pencil case from?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can buy a pencil case from any department store. Hint: Try Wal-Mart.

What was sir francis drakes favorite color?

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Asked by Wiki User

blue i think it is out of orange pink green blue yellow

The most common floor plan of a house?

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Asked by Wiki User

The open concept layout is the most popular house floor plan. It combines kitchen, dining and living spaces into one big, versatile space. It creates a sense of space and encourages family and guest interaction. Private bedrooms and bathrooms are often located in private areas for added privacy and comfort. The open concept floor plan has become a popular choice for contemporary home design due to its contemporary and social appeal.

How do you draw a realistic owl?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well you picture an owl in your head and explore what you think it should look like and then you just start drawing lightly with a pencill so you don't mess up. That's how you draw an owl

Can you trace a picture onto construction paper?

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Asked by Wiki User

All you need to do is have that picture that you want to trace. Then on the back of that paper, take your pencil and shade the back of that picture and remember to shade the parts where your picture is. Then you get that other paper and put the paper with the picture on top of it. You just trace it on and the picture will trace onto the other paper.

How do you draw bubble letters?

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Asked by Wiki User

depends on what letter. you can draw an A with little dots at the points or a lowercase a with dots at the points and so on......................:) Thanks-Justin.

How to refresh a sharpie marker that has dried out?

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Asked by Wiki User

The best way to make a dried out marker work again is run in under the water from the sink. Just put a little water on it, not a lot.

What Colors that end with m?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some colors that start with letter M:

  • magenta
  • Mauve (which is a pinkish-purple)
  • marigold
  • maroon.
  • mint
  • mocha
  • mulberry
  • mushroom

How do you draw ojho board?

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Asked by Wiki User

iwant to spirit

Is drawing on yourself bad for you?

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Asked by Wiki User

well it depends. if you are using a permanent pen then maybe yes

but if it is not then OK .

this is a remedy that works with a lot of people to get ink off there hands.

1) get a nylon scrubber or some sort of scrubber make sure that it has a ruff white side.

2) wet it with hot water

3) put fairy liquid or any sort of washing up liquid onto the scrubber then put a little tiny bit of hot water on the washing up liquid then mix it with the scrubber

4) rub it on your hands continuously then it should come off

How can you be a good drawer?

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Asked by Wiki User

The best answer is practice, practice, practice.

Carry a sketch book (and a pencil) with you all the time. Whenever you have a bit of time, pull it out and draw anything and everything you see. Always, date your sketches and when you fill up one sketch book start another. I was told by my favourite "famous" artist, that I should never destroy your old sketch books as they are a record of how much your talents have changed and improved. They are also a great source of subjects for future drawings.

first find a book with lots of pictures and copy them then go a bit more detailed when you think you have gotten pretty good at it think of other creations and draw then free handed