



Questions regarding the legal profession and the requirements to be a member of the bar.

500 Questions

What types of negotiations do lawyers get involved in?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

Lawyers get involved in negotiations for various legal matters such as contract negotiations, settlement agreements, plea bargains, business transactions, property sales, and dispute resolutions. They work to reach favorable outcomes for their clients while adhering to legal regulations and ethical standards.

What is the rate of employment of lawyers in Kenya?

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Asked by Wiki User

The employment rate of lawyers in Kenya can vary and is influenced by factors such as market demand, economic conditions, and competition within the legal industry. It is recommended to consult official labor market reports or contact professional organizations for the most up-to-date information on lawyer employment rates in Kenya.

What are the Importance of chemistry in a lawyer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Chemistry is important in law for understanding forensic evidence, such as DNA analysis or toxicology reports. It can also be helpful when dealing with cases involving environmental regulations or intellectual property rights related to chemical compounds. Additionally, chemical knowledge can aid in understanding complex legal issues in areas such as patent law or pharmaceutical regulation.

What initials go after your name if you studied law?

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Asked by Wiki User

Studied? = STUDENT.

Awarded degrees(s), (there are many different ones), completed academic achievements, allows different abbrieviations. Commonly: J.D = Juris Doctor &/or Esq. for Esquire. But there are many others.

How many lawyers in India?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of 2021, there are approximately 1.3 million registered lawyers in India. However, this number is constantly changing as new lawyers are added to the registry each year.

What degree do doctors need?

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Asked by Wiki User

Doctors typically need a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) degree from an accredited medical school. This is followed by a residency program in their chosen specialty to obtain further training and certification.

How long does it take to get a result from carbon dating?

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Asked by Wiki User

Carbon dating typically takes a few weeks to months to receive results, depending on the laboratory's workload and the sample's quality. The process involves extracting and analyzing carbon isotopes to determine the age of the sample.

Is your attorney obligated to tell you the amount of the lawsuit that he is pursuing on your behalf?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, your attorney is obligated to keep you informed about the details of your case, including the amount being pursued in the lawsuit on your behalf. It is important for your attorney to communicate openly and transparently about all aspects of your case.

What degrees do you need in college to become an exotic animal trainer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Degrees in fields such as animal behavior, biology, zoology, or psychology can be beneficial for becoming an exotic animal trainer. However, hands-on experience, internships, and specialized training programs in animal training are also valuable. It's important to gain practical experience working with a variety of animals under the guidance of experienced trainers to succeed in this career.

What are the advantages of using the Excel Accounting System in business?

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Asked by Wiki User

Using the Excel Accounting System offers advantages such as ease of use, customization options, and affordability. It allows for flexible tracking of financial data, generating reports, and performing calculations tailored to the specific needs of the business. Additionally, Excel’s familiar interface and wide availability make it accessible to users with varying levels of expertise.

How do you get a group of lawyers to smile for a picture?

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Asked by WriteClub

You could try cracking a lighthearted joke or making a funny observation to help loosen them up. You could also ask them to say a word that starts with the letter "S," which naturally prompts a half-smile. Lastly, giving them a genuine compliment before taking the picture could help create a warm and positive atmosphere for the group.

What are the qualifications needed to become a zoologist in Australia?

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Asked by Wiki User

To become a zoologist in Australia, you typically need a bachelor's degree in zoology or a related field such as biology or ecology. Many zoologists also pursue postgraduate studies such as a master's or Ph.D. for more advanced career opportunities. Gaining practical experience through internships or volunteering at zoos, research organizations, or wildlife conservation groups can also be beneficial.

What degree do you need to be a doctor?

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Asked by Wiki User

To become a medical doctor, you typically need a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) or a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) degree from an accredited medical school. These degrees are earned after completing several years of undergraduate education and four years of medical school.

Do you capitalized attorney in front of the lawyers name?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, "attorney" is not capitalized when used in front of a lawyer's name. The correct way to write it is "attorney [name]."

What does the suffix mph after a lawyers name mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

The suffix "MPH" after a lawyer's name typically signifies that they hold a Master of Public Health degree. This degree indicates their expertise in public health and may be relevant to their legal practice, particularly if they work in areas related to health law or policy.

What are the bad things about being anorexic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some negative effects of anorexia include malnutrition, damage to organs such as the heart and kidneys, weakened immune system, and potential long-term health consequences like osteoporosis or infertility. It can also lead to social isolation, psychological distress, and in severe cases, be life-threatening.

How much do Marriage and Family Therapists make a year?

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Asked by Wiki User

Marriage and Family Therapists in the United States typically earn around $50,000 to $70,000 per year. Salaries may vary based on location, experience, setting (private practice, agency, hospital), and qualifications.

What are the likes and dislikes being a teenager?

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Asked by Wiki User

Likes of being a teenager may include developing independence, exploring interests and forming friendships. Dislikes may include increased responsibilities, peer pressure and navigating emotional changes.

What are the statistics for a lawyer?

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Asked by Wiki User

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median pay for lawyers was $126,930 per year in 2020. The job outlook for lawyers is projected to grow 4% from 2019 to 2029, which is about as fast as the average for all occupations. The work environment for lawyers can vary, with many working in law firms, government agencies, or as self-employed practitioners.

What do lawyers study undergrad?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lawyers can pursue undergraduate degrees in various fields, including political science, criminal justice, English, or pre-law. However, it's not mandatory to have an undergraduate degree in a specific field to attend law school.

Who controls the discipline of practicing lawyers?

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Asked by Wiki User

The discipline of practicing lawyers is typically overseen by the bar association in the jurisdiction where the lawyer is licensed to practice. Each state has its own bar association that regulates and disciplines lawyers according to professional conduct rules and standards.

How many lawyers per capita in Pakistan?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are approximately 11 lawyers per 100,000 people in Pakistan, according to data from the World Bank. However, this figure may vary depending on different sources and definitions of what constitutes a lawyer.

Why are male singers more popular than females?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are various cultural and historical factors that have contributed to the perception and promotion of male singers over females in the music industry. These include societal norms, gender biases, and institutionalized sexism that have favored male artists in terms of visibility, recognition, and opportunities. However, it's important to note that there are many successful and talented female singers who have made significant impacts in the music industry.

How many people are employed as lawyers?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of 2020, there were approximately 1.3 million lawyers employed in the United States. Employment numbers can vary by country and are subject to change over time.

How can you tutor someone effectively?

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Asked by Getacar

To tutor someone effectively, it's important to build rapport and create a positive learning environment. Tailor your approach to the individual's learning style and pace, provide clear explanations, offer constructive feedback, and encourage active participation and practice. Regular communication and goal setting can also help track progress and make the tutoring sessions more productive.