


Men's Health

Some health issues are unique to only men. This is the category for those questions. Whether it be about anatomy, reproduction, or disease, ask them here.

500 Questions

What is the affect of Klinefelter Syndrome?

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Klinefelter Syndrome is a genetic condition that occurs in males when they have an extra X chromosome. This can lead to infertility, reduced testicular size, and lower levels of testosterone. Some individuals may also experience developmental delays or learning disabilities. Early diagnosis and management can help address symptoms and improve quality of life.

What does fungus look like on a testicle?

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Fungus on a testicle may appear as red, irritated skin with raised bumps or patches that are itchy or painful. It may present as a rash, with flaking skin or unusual discharge. If you suspect a fungal infection on your testicle, it is important to see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Can you buy Viagra from boots the chemist over the counter?

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No, you cannot buy Viagra over the counter without a prescription from Boots the Chemist or any other pharmacy in the UK. Viagra is a prescription-only medication due to its potential side effects and interactions with other medications. You would need to consult a doctor to get a prescription for Viagra.

What is the frequency of a gamma ray?

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The frequency of gamma rays is typically in the range of 10^19 to 10^24 Hz, which means they have very high energy and short wavelengths. They are the most energetic form of electromagnetic radiation.

Application of fiber optics in medicine?

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Fiber optics are used in medicine for various applications such as endoscopy, laser surgeries, imaging techniques like Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), and diagnostic procedures like light-guided catheter insertions in minimally invasive surgeries. The use of fiber optics allows for precise and minimally invasive procedures, providing real-time visualization and access to remote or hard-to-reach areas within the body. Additionally, fiber optics enable the delivery of laser energy for cutting, coagulation, and photodynamic therapy in medical procedures.

Does CO have a distinctive odor?

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Carbon monoxide (CO) itself is odorless, colorless, and tasteless, making it difficult to detect without a carbon monoxide detector. However, some people describe the smell of carbon monoxide as similar to that of exhaust fumes or a slightly sweet odor. It is important to have a carbon monoxide detector in your home to alert you to any dangerous levels of this gas.

How can you tell if he is sterile?

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A medical evaluation, specifically a semen analysis, is needed to determine if a man is sterile. This test examines sperm count, motility, and morphology to assess fertility. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment options.

Is the standing up pee good for men urinary system?

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There is no strong evidence to suggest that standing up to pee has a significant impact on the health of the urinary system in men. However, maintaining good hydration, practicing good hygiene, and emptying the bladder completely during urination are important factors in supporting overall urinary system health.

Are peanuts full of protein or carbohydrate?

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Asked by Ywith

Peanuts are an excellent source of protein. They are a low GI food which provides a sustained release of energy. Peanuts are also an excellent source of Vitamin E and magnesium and also have useful amounts of B Vitamins including folate, thiamine and riboflavin.

Can dehydration affect sexual function?

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Dehydration can affect almost every aspect of health, including sexual function. When a person is dehydrated, they are tired and won't have the stamina that a normal person would. They also have less fluid in their bodies, so they would have less ejaculate and less lubrication. It can also lower blood pressure so the person may feel more lightheaded and not perform as well.

Is it normal for a 5 year old to get erections during the day?

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Yes, it is normal for young children to experience erections due to physiological changes in their bodies. Erections in young boys can occur spontaneously and are not necessarily linked to sexual arousal. It is important to provide age-appropriate education and reassurance to help children understand and manage these natural bodily functions.

Why should you have to study about filariasis?

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Studying filariasis is important because it is a parasitic disease that can lead to severe disability and disfigurement. Understanding its transmission, symptoms, and prevention methods helps in controlling the spread of the disease and improving public health outcomes. Additionally, research and education about filariasis contribute to the development of effective treatment strategies and interventions.

What could be signs that hormones are raging on a 14 year old boy?

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Signs of hormone changes in a 14-year-old boy may include sudden mood swings, increased aggression, acne breakouts, body odor, growth spurts, and development of facial hair. It is also common for boys to experience changes in voice and increased sexual urges due to the surge in testosterone levels.

What makes your intromittent organ longer?

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In some species, the intromittent organ can become longer due to increased blood flow and engorgement of erectile tissue during sexual arousal. Additionally, certain organisms have specialized structures like spines or hooks that can elongate or expand the intromittent organ for more efficient mating.

How big is a sperm cell?

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A sperm cells head is approximately 5 microns in diameter, its tail is approximately 50microns, In total, appx. 55microns (55 x 10^-6 m), that's about 25000 times smaller than a ping-pong ball.

Average size of a 15 year old male?

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The average height for a 15-year-old male is around 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm) and the average weight is around 134 pounds (61 kg). However, there can be variations based on genetics, diet, and lifestyle factors.

Why does a sperm cell have a tail?

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The tail on a sperm cell, called a flagellum, helps the sperm cell to swim and move toward the egg during fertilization. This mobility is essential for the sperm cell to successfully reach and fertilize the egg.

Athenians believed in spending money on what?

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Athenians believed in spending money on cultural and artistic pursuits, such as theater, music, and philosophy. They also valued education and invested in public infrastructure like temples and monuments. Wealth and luxury were seen as secondary to intellectual and cultural enrichment in Athenian society.

How does your body process sperm if swallowed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Your body would process semen the same way it processes food. The stomach doesn't distinguish between what is supposed to be food and what isn't.

Since sperm cells are made up of the same lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates that all other cells are made of, your body would simply digest the sperm cells the same way it would a cheeseburger.

How do you make a sofa pillow?

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To make a sofa pillow, gather your desired fabric and stuffing material. Cut two equally sized pieces of fabric in the shape you want the pillow to be. Sew around three sides of the fabric pieces, leaving one side open for stuffing. Turn the fabric inside out, stuff it with the filling, then sew the open side closed.

How do you eject sperm?

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Sperm is typically ejaculated from the male body during sexual activity through the urethra. This process is known as ejaculation, where rhythmic contractions push semen, which contains sperm, out of the body.

What is the best vitamins for men?

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Some key vitamins for men include vitamin D for bone health, vitamin B12 for nerve function, and vitamin C for immune support. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the specific vitamin needs based on individual health factors.

What is the length of the worlds longest hair?

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Asked by Wiki User

Home > News Front Page > Record Breakers

World Beater Mae Taeng, near Chiang Mai N.Thailand

August 1998 - by Adam Flinn

Long Hair Record smashed twice.A long-standing record was broken twice the same day in a tribal settlement in Northern Thailand. Unwittingly a Hmong tribal village in Mae Taeng district Chiang Mai had been home to the new world beaters for almost nine decades Unbeknown to the winners, Mr Hook aged eighty five and his elder brother, of two years, their hair was lengths longer than the current record holder. The Guinness Book of World Records documented the hair length of a lady from Uijai, India as 4.17m (13 ft 10.5 ") in February 1994 in their latest annual.The first measurement of Mr Yee, the elder brother was taken from the crown of the head to the tip of the mane (excluding stray strands). It was recorded a length of 4.85 meters, 27 cm longer than that of the existing record holder. His claim to the title was, however, short -lived as seconds later his younger brother Mr Hook, who is also the village Shaman, measured in at an astonishing 5.24 m - 1.73 m longer to become the undisputed world master.

Can you set light to flatulance?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, lighting a fart on fire is extremely dangerous and should not be attempted. It can result in serious injury due to the flammable gases produced by flatulence. It is not a safe or recommended practice.

Why do penises shrink when it is cold?

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Asked by Wiki User

In order to maintain internal body temperature.

Since the human penis has no bone (many animals do have one), the size of the penis is very largely (no pun intended) determined by the amount of blood present in it. One of the abilities of the human body to protect itself from cold, is to sharply limit the amount of blood that leaves the brain and body core, which would normally go to the extremities and cool off quickly (starting with fingers and toes and gradually affecting the arms and legs as heat loss progresses); This means less cooler blood to warm up. As previously mentioned, the penis size is determined by the amount of blood present in it, and since it is one of those first extremities that suffers a loss of blood, it shrinks.