


Farm Animals

Life on the farm is not laid back with all those animals to take care of. Got a farm animal question? Put it here and a farmer just might take a minute and plow out an answer for you.

500 Questions

What education do you need to become an Anatomist?

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To become an anatomist, you typically need a doctoral degree in anatomy or a related field, such as biology or medicine. This usually involves completing a bachelor's degree, followed by a master's degree and then a Ph.D. or professional degree focusing on anatomy. Practical experience through research and internships is also important in this field.

How does geography of the middle west affect agriculture in the region?

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The geography of the Midwest, characterized by fertile soils, flat terrain, and a temperate climate, makes it highly suitable for agriculture. This region is known as the "breadbasket of the United States" due to its large production of corn, soybeans, and wheat. Additionally, the presence of the Mississippi River and other waterways facilitates transportation of agricultural goods.

What does nomadic herding do?

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Nomadic herding involves moving livestock from one grazing area to another in search of food and water. This practice allows herders to adapt to changing environmental conditions and optimize resource usage.

What does the horse rider who does not have the right of way do?

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Asked by Animalruby

The horse rider without the right of way should yield to pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles that have the right of way. It's important for the safety of everyone involved to respect the right of way rules.

What is the difference in appearance between a young and mature Lumbriculus?

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A young Lumbriculus is small in size with a thin body and less pigmentation, while a mature Lumbriculus is larger, thicker, and has more pigment. Mature Lumbriculus also tend to have more defined segments and a more developed reproductive system.

What goes on inside a beehive?

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Inside a beehive, you'll find different types of bees such as the queen, workers, and drones. The workers are busy collecting nectar, pollen, and propolis, tending to the queen, and building and repairing honeycomb. The queen's primary role is laying eggs, while drones' main job is mating with a virgin queen. Pollen and nectar are stored as food reserves, and bees communicate through intricate dance movements.

What makes birds fly?

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The muscles in the birds body is the only thing that can let a bird fly. But oviously enough, if the wind is strong and blowing to the riht side, the wind l help

Do flies vomit every time they land?

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No, they do not vomit, poop, or pee everytime they land, this is only a myth. The common house fly spits on food that they can sense is edible. The sensors are located on the head and feet. If flies threw up everytime they landed there would not be much left of them or they would dehydrate and die. House flies are not feeding all the time so therefore they are not (spitting) everytime they land. The bad stuff comes from their feet, which previously could have been on manure or garbage.

What is a founder mutation?

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A founder mutation is a genetic alteration that is present in a population due to its ancestry from a small group of individuals who carried the mutation. This mutation can be passed down through generations, leading to a high frequency of the mutation in a specific population.

What is swati nakshatra?

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Swati Nakshatra is the 15th of the 27 Nakshatras in Vedic astrology. It is associated with the star Arcturus in the constellation Bootes. Swati Nakshatra is ruled by the planet Rahu and is believed to bring qualities of independence, ambition, and adaptability to individuals born under it.

How Many Different types of Roses are there In the world?

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There are over 100 species of roses. These can further be classified into thousands of cultivars and hybrids, resulting in a wide array of different types of roses with varying colors, sizes, and shapes.

If a beneficiary dies first and then the insured dies which relatives of whom inherits?

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If a beneficiary dies before the insured, their share typically goes back into the insured's estate and is distributed according to their will or state intestacy laws. The relatives who inherit would depend on the insured's estate plan or the laws of the state where they reside.

What plants provide food for caterpillar of the lunar moth?

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Lunar moth caterpillars primarily feed on the leaves of white birch, sweetgum, hickory, walnut, and sumac trees. These plants are important food sources for the caterpillars as they provide the nutrients necessary for their development and growth. Supporting these plant species can help sustain lunar moth populations.

What is the measurements for a small medium and large pony?

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There is no real distinction between a small, medium and large pony. A pony is any horse that is under 14.2 hands tall.

There is a distinction between small, medium and large ponies in the horse world. A small pony can not exceed 12.2 hands. A medium pony range in height from 12.2 to 13.2 hands. The large pony must be over 13.2 hands, but not more than 14.2hands.

What animal has the weakest bite?

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The animal with the weakest bite force is likely the Sloth. Sloths have a very low metabolism and weak muscles overall, including their jaw muscles, which results in a weak bite force.

Do chickens have two brains If not how does a chicken run without a head?

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Chickens do not have two brains. When a chicken's head is cut off, its brainstem and some nerves may remain intact for a short period, allowing basic motor functions to continue, such as running in a circle. This is due to the involuntary reflex actions controlled by the lower brain and spinal cord.

How are charophyceans and land plants related?

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Charophyceans are a type of green algae that are believed to be the closest living relatives of land plants. Both charophyceans and land plants share similarities in their cell structure, reproduction processes, and certain genetic characteristics. This relationship suggests that land plants evolved from an ancestral charophycean algae.

Which country has largest livestock population in world?

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India has the largest livestock population in the world, with over 500 million animals, including cattle, buffalo, goats, and sheep. This is due to the country's large agricultural sector and the importance of livestock in Indian culture and economy.

What is the most common mammal in the world?

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Some people would say humans, but there are only about six billion of us. I would suggest that it would be either an animal that is useful to us (ie. sheep, cattle) or a rodent. My best guess would be the rat or mouse.

Did the Romans keep livestock?

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The economic system of ancient Rome was centered around agriculture and raising livestock. It can be described as a basic or fundamental economic system that was common place among ancient civilizations.

What may be some advantages and disadvantages for such a large segament of the Egyptian population being farmers servants and slaves?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advantages: Agriculture provided stability and food security for society. Slavery may have enabled the construction of monumental structures and the development of advanced technologies.

Disadvantages: The reliance on a large population of farmers, servants, and slaves could have perpetuated social inequality and limited economic mobility. Additionally, the system could have hindered social progress and individual freedoms.

Scientific names of common farm animals?

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Cattle (Bos taurus), Sheep (Ovis aries), Goats (Capra aegagrus hircus), Pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus), Chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus)

What are feral pigs scientific name?

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The scientific name for feral pigs is Sus scrofa.

Does music in the background help you memorize things better?

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Listening to music while studying can be beneficial for some people as it could help create a more conducive environment for learning. However, the type of music and personal preference play a significant role in its effectiveness. Some may find it distracting rather than helpful for memory retention. It's best to experiment and see what works best for you when it comes to studying and memorization.

What is a family in taxonomy?

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In taxonomy, a family is a rank used to classify and group organisms that share common characteristics and are more closely related than genera but less closely related than orders. Families typically include multiple genera that share a common ancestor.